Join us! Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools are Hiring!
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LS-H Middle and High School celebrated Homecoming in various ways throughout the day, including completing Community Service Projects, Middle & High School Pep Fests, and the Homecoming Parade!
We hope to see tons of Giants' fans at the Homecoming Parade! See you tomorrow at 2PM! 💙🌟💙🌟
Then at 7PM for the 🏈Game!
Become a School Board Member!
Congratulations to our Homecoming King 👑 & Queen 💙, Grant Adams and Rita Flores!!
King Candidates: (Left to Right)
🌟 Sam Gupton
🌟 Sam Geer
🌟 Grant Adams
🌟 Mitchell Boese
🌟 Kyan Straub
Queen Candidates: (Left to Right)
💙 Alivia Drent
💙 Isabelle Sampson
💙 Brynn Biedscheid
💙 Rita Flores
💙 Maggie Froelich
Coronation will take place on Monday, Oct. 2nd at 2pm in the High School Auditorium.
Good luck and congratulations to all!!
LSH Middle/High School Homecoming Dress Up Days! October 2nd-6th!
Join us for the return of the LSH Homecoming Parade October 6th, at 2:00PM.
All community members are invited to show their GIANT pride and support our students at this event!
LSH Families,
Picture Retake day is Monday, Sept. 25th for students who have not taken a photo yet and/or those who want a retake. Students should not wear green. Pictures are available to be ordered online about a week after picture day. Please watch for an email with information on ordering.
Due to not having enough healthy players at this time, the football game scheduled to be played 9/22/23 between LS-H and Jackson County Central will be canceled.
Debido a que no tenemos suficientes jugadores sanos en este momento, el partido de fútbol programado para jugarse el 22/09/23 entre LS-H y Jackson County Central será cancelado.
Thank you to the United Methodist Church of Le Sueur for supporting LSH students!
6th Grade Parents, Guardians and Students are encouraged to attend the 6th Grade Orientation on Tuesday, August 15th at 6:00 pm. During the Orientation adults will be guided through navigating Infinite Campus and Google Classroom to support their student and chromebooks picked up
Recordatorio de que la reunión de actividades de otoño es el próximo miércoles 2 de agosto a las 6 p. m. Los formularios que deberán entregarse incluyen: formulario físico, formulario de elegibilidad de MSHSL y formulario de registro de actividades de LSH. Tendremos copias de todos estos disponibles el miércoles. Espero verlos a todos allá.
Reminder the fall activities meeting is this coming Wednesday, Aug 2nd @ 6pm. Forms that will need to be turned in include: physical form, MSHSL eligibility form, and LSH Activities Registration Form. We will have copies of all of these available on Wed. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
LSH Students- if interested in doing some Speed & Strength workouts read the information below.
Great opportunity to stay in shape in the off-season.
The LS-H Kindergarten class went to the Southern Mn Children’s Museum in Mankato, and the MN Lieutenant Governor happened to be there. They took pictures and made a Facebook post. Please click on the link to view their post.
ATTENTION: For the events that are happening at the MS/HS tonight, 2/24/23. Anyone attending the boy's basketball game please enter through doors 18 or 20. Anyone that is attending the Daddy-Daughter dance please enter through door 1. Thank you
Reminder tomorrow will be an E-Learning Day!
Recordarles que manana sera Aprendizaje a Distancia!
Le Sueur-Henderson will be CLOSED Wednesday, 2/22, Thursday, 2/23, 2023. Thursday WILL be an E-LEARNING DAY!!
Le Sueur-Henderson estara CANCELANDO las clases el Miercoles 22 de febrero y el Jueves 23 de febrero del 2023. El Jueves sera un dia de APRENDIZAJE a Distancia.